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mikä oli kiinnostavin kysymys?

”mikä oli eettinen kysymys, jonka olet kohdannut ja mitä teit sen ratkaisemiseksi?”Lisää tästä jäsen / raportti-vastauksesta

” miten harrastuksesi liittyvät optometriaan?”More from this Member| Report Response

” if not optometry what career would you choose ”More from this Member / Report Response

” Give me an ethical dilemma in optometry.”More from this Member| Report Response

” How many sisaruksia do you have / how does your family feels about you Contracting optometry?”More from this Member| Report Response

” Tell me something about yourself that wasn ’ t in your essay, on your CV, and has not do with optometry or your career goals.”More from this Member| Report Response

” My interviewer asked about my opinions on other optometry schools and why I was considering SCCO ”More from this Member / Report Response

” What is your lest favorite part of optometry?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What was your favorite part about your major?”More from this Member| Report Response

” nothing too interesting ”More from this Member / Report Response

” Would you be interested to going on another trip on similar to the one you went to?”More from this Member| Report Response

”What is one thing you would like us to know about you (that is not on your application)?”More from this Member| Report Response

” Name a piece of literature (fiction or non fiction) that has influenced you”More from this Member| Report Response

”if I didn’ t go into optometry, what Would I have gone into instead? (Made me think a bit) ”More from this Member| Report Response

” please tell us about an ethical situation you have experienced and what you did.”More from this Member| Report Response

” What ethnic are you?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What do you think is the most important issue facing optometry?”More from this Member| Report Response

” Do You think ethics is relevant to optometry?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What was your favourite historical period in American history? (I was a history major)”More from this Member| Report Response

” What do You think optometry school will be like (how different than undergrad)?”More from this Member| Report Response

” you are in an exam room with a man. Miehen vaimo istuu tutkimushuoneen ulkopuolella ja on raskaana. Kun puhut miehelle, käy ilmi, että hänellä on sukupuolitauti, koska hänellä oli avioliiton ulkopuolinen suhde. Mies kieltäytyy kertomasta sukupuolitaudista ja suhteesta vaimolleen. Lain mukaan teillä on vaitiolovelvollisuus. Miehen vaimolle ei voi sanoa mitään teidän ja miehen välisestä keskustelusta. Mitä teet työksesi?”More from this Member | Report Response

” How many hours a week do you think the OD you worked for put in, including time both in and out the office?Onko jotain, mitä meidän olisi mielestäsi pitänyt kysyä (jotain muuta, mitä haluat meidän tietävän sinusta)?Mitä kirjoja olet lukenut viime aikoina?”More from this Member| Report Response

”None” More from this Member / Report Response

” How will you give back to the community when you are an optometrist?”More from this Member| Report Response

” None.”More from this Member| Report Response

” if you could tell us something about yourself that you would want us to remember you by, what would it be?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What else are you passioned about?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What is some legislative news about optometry?”More from this Member| Report Response

” How do I helpe stress? (ei mitään liian mielenkiintoista kysymyksistä)”lisää tästä jäsen| raportin vastauksesta

” vertaa kenkämyyjää optikkoon.”More from this Member| Report Response

” Are there any problems in the optometry practice in the Nevada that may be a future problem?”More from this Member| Report Response

” How do you see the future of insurance and optometry?”Lisää tästä jäsen / raportti vastaus

” jos menit saarelle. mitkä kolme asiaa ottaisit mukaan?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What do you like to do for fun?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What is the most important aspect about an Optometry school which impact your choice of schools?”More from this Member| Report Response

”Do You noting any distinctions between the optometrists you work with the opthalmologists they associated with?”More from this Member| Report Response

” What is a ritualist? (Se oli yksi niistä viroista, joita pidin.) ”More from this Member| Report Response

” Did you have any problems with your professors in college?”More from this Member| Report Response

” we see in your essay that you know a few students at SCCO. Mitä sinulle on kerrottu SCCO: sta?”More from this Member| Report Response

” what kind of practice do you want to have?”More from this Member| Report Response


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